Love, Life & Energy Podcast with Michelle Chung

#47: What to do while waiting for your soulmate to manifest into your life

Michelle Chung Season 1 Episode 48

The waiting game…

You’ve done all the right steps, followed my Manifesting 101 steps to meet him…

But now what?

I have worked with clients who have undone what they are manifesting - simply by worrying and overthinking

Some steps to keep you busy and in the right vibration:

  1. focus on your feminine energy - take those dancing or yoga classes you’ve always been wanting to do but have been putting off
  2. start that hobby or go to that meetup you’ve always wanted to
  3. start on that project you’ve always wanted to do - volunteering, charity work, mentor a young person, bring joy into your community
  4. create that event, go to a cooking class, read that book, paint that painting
  5. take yourself on a date or holiday alone

Keep yourself busy - but in a way towards growing yourself, expanding your experiences, discovering who you are, not in avoidance of being alone or having nothing to do, or doing something for the sake of doing something…

These are great ways to work on yourself and grow

And above all else - CONTROL your emotions - control your mind, mastery over yourself is the highest form of mastery and will enable you to manifest anything you want in your life.

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If you have any questions please DM & Follow Me on my Instagram @michellechungcoach

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