Love, Life & Energy Podcast with Michelle Chung
If you're a single, career-focused (A-Type or Alpha) woman who has been navigating the dating scene after a period of being single for a while, divorced or just separated and you're eager to explore the realms of love, personal growth, and manifestation, this podcast is tailored just for you. As a women's dating coach and love coach, we delve into topics such as dating after divorce, establishing core values in relationships, and finding your way in the dating world, especially if you're mid 30's, wanting kids ASAP or starting to date again over 40s, 50s and 60s.
Discover invaluable dating advice for women, insights from a seasoned dating expert, and learn the art of balancing feminine and masculine energies in a relationship.
Join us on this journey of self-discovery, where we not only aim to help you manifest your soulmate but also empower you to create an amazing life together.
#58 Manifesting Money, Earning it and Retaining it with Lindsey Mazza
#57 Exploring Autosexuality: Embracing Self-Attraction and Self-Love NOT Narcissism
#56 Recognizing Gaslighting Protecting Yourself from Emotional Manipulation with Katrina Reyes
#55 Red Flags in Relationships: Identifying and Addressing 4 Toxic Behaviors
#54 Akashic records, Twin flames and Multiple soulmates with Dr. Katherine Kelly
#53: Protection & Survival - How this blocks you from Manifesting Your Soulmate
#52: Intuitive Nutrition with Nika Lawrie

#51: How releasing negative past experiences and trauma will set you free with Jen Barnes

#50: How I manifested my partner with Patricia Schneebaum

#49: Being in the Flow of Manifesting VS Resistance

#48: From Wounds to Wisdom with Gao Motsemme

#47: What to do while waiting for your soulmate to manifest into your life

#46: The Different Kind of Relationships: Polygamy, Open Relationships and More! With Audrye Arbe

#45: Manifesting Your Soulmate 101

#44: Interview with a Survivor of a Narcissistic and Abusive Relations - Dana Diaz

#43: Why do we sabotage ourselves and avoid taking the actions that will actually give us a happy relationship?

#42: Confessions from a Former Matchmaker with Steph

#41: Life is doing things for you, not to you - Every experience is the right decision

#40: How I manifested my Soulmate in 90 days

#39: Doing a lot of dating and seeing still meeting the wrong guys? The law of Cause and Effect

#38: 3 Wisdoms to a happy, effortless & effective life

#37: Breaking the family curse - what “runs in the family” can end with you!

#36: Breaking up with the habit of attracting the wrong men

#35: Breaking out of Dependent Relationships

#34: The keys to relationship longevity - with Katrina Reyes